I am thankful that at least two people are still reading this blog. If there are any more Americans out there reading this, I am personally begging all legal voters to hie themselves to the polls and vote. I will be getting up nice and early, and my boss has already been prepared lest I am delayed by long lines. It's happened before.
Far too often, we are encouraged to think of the Government as some pettifogging idiots that the rest of y'all got rid of by foisting them on those of us within the Beltway. Or else as a set of corrupt thieves, and after all, what can anyone do?
You can vote.
Unlike many places in the world where there is only one "safe" way to vote (i.e. one way that won't result in violence against you and your family), you have the security to voice your beliefs knowing that it won't result in a midnight "visit".
Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I'll head for the local polling place, umbrella firmly in hand, and stand with my neighbors as we wait for our chance to speak. I urge you to do the same.