Just Plain Foolish

Just a chance for an old-fashioned, simple storyteller to say what needs to be said.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Music and inspiration.

I've spent a little of this evening continuing to practice - I have a new variation on the scales to practice and I'm trying to figure out exactly how to contort my left hand to reliably get the notes in the harder bits of "Skip to My Lou." And it's good.

As I came home from work, I realized it was time to turn off the radio again and return to listening to music from a CD. Luckily, I had the perfect music to calm and soothe - Earthpassage by the good folks over at Quiet Paths. And it was marvellous - serene, wearing like the water in the recording at my my stiffness, the tension from listening to the words of people who claim to care about our soldiers while insisting that they can't be brought back, or even guaranteed to be sent with appropriate training and equipment. Wait a second, now remind me of who it is that doesn't support our troops...

But the falling waters, the intricate melodies weaving themselves around the natural sounds... ah. I have now gotten the chance to hear them all, and they are all very good. And so I got home to find that Christine had posted some really incredible thoughts on the nature of inspiration and the sacred. Wow. Check it out, folks.

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